Services for women and families

Supporting and empowering women and families

Our women and families team provides support to refugee and migrant women who are newly arrived in Australia with children up to age 8, to help smooth their transition to the Australian way of life and help them raise happy and healthy families. We also work in domestic violence prevention and support.

BT MC womens group 23
Persian (Farsi/Dari)
(*and a small number of Filipino dialects)

Our team offers services and programs to help parents and families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALD) to raise happy and healthy families.

We support and empower parents who are expecting a baby and families with children up to eight years of age who live in the Blacktown and Penrith local government areas. The Family Support Program is funded by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ).

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We can help with

Supported playgroups

Supported playgroups are held during school terms for parents, grandparents, carers and their children aged up to five years. Parents engage with their children in a range of fun and educational activities like story time, rhyme time, arts and crafts etc.

Blacktown multicultural playgroup

Tuesdays 10 am to 12pm
SydWest office, Ground Floor, Suite 1, 125 Main St Blacktown

Supported Playgroups 01

Women's support groups

Our Women’s support groups in the Blacktown and Penrith local government areas are a great way for women to meet up and share with others while their children are cared for in adjoining rooms. This gives parents a break and the chance to discover more about parenting in a supportive environment. They are also a great way to build a parent’s social network.

Each term, support groups have regular information sessions on health and wellbeing, education, raising families, parenting, creative arts and more

We have six groups that meet during the school terms: all group meetings are also listed below.

10 mothers support group general

Strengthening connections

We work to bring communities together through special events such as Mother’s Day and International Mother Language Day.

As well, we encourage our clients to participate in community events to strengthen their connection to their local community.

Cultural information for service providers

By working with culturally and linguistically diverse women and families, our team is qualified to provide cultural information to other service providers to help them become more culturally knowledgeable and responsive to the needs of the community.

Support for parents expecting and caring for a new baby

Our team can link and refer families to other service providers to address their specific needs.

Home visits

Our qualified and experienced team can visit new parents in their home to support them and ensure they are connected.

Working with emerging communities

Our team supports emerging communities to understand their issues and responding with appropriate information sessions and referrals.

Cultural event celebrations

Our team coordinates a range of high-profile events during the year, including International Women’s Day and Family Fun days. As well, they work with our client families to celebrate key cultural events during the year, such as Ramadan, Diwali, Harmony Day and Refugee Week.

Domestic violence prevention

As part of the ongoing work that SydWest does to address domestic and family violence, we have been coordinating the CALD Domestic Violence Prevention project for the past few years, working with local community ambassadors to equip them with knowledge and networks to support people in their community to seek help.

Specialist domestic and family violence officer

As part of the SETS Domestic and Family Violence program, SydWest has a specialist Domestic and Family Violence officer to assist with individual case work. There is no wrong door policy and we will assist you directly or refer you to a suitable service if we are unable to.

Eligibility is 0-5 years in line with our Settlement Services program.

Click here to view our latest flyer with contact information.

Cross Roads

SydWest is running a 6-week multicultural men’s support program called Cross Roads for Afghan, Indian and multicultural men in in the Blacktown area. Cross Roads can support men to build better, more respectful relationships. 

Next 6-week Cross Road programs commencing: February 7th 2024 
April 6th 2024.

Click here to view our latest flyer with contact information.

We have six groups that meet during the school terms

6 ed1

Schofields Mums and Bubs Group

Fridays, 10am to 11.30am

Altrove Hilltop Park,
Hoy Street, Schofields 

10 mothers support group general

Penrith Migrant and Refugee Women’s Support Group

Thursdays during School Terms, 10am to 12pm

Playground at Victoria Park, Corner Putland and Princess Mary Street, St Mary’s

Supported Playgroups 01

Glenwood Indian Women’s Support Group

Tuesdays during School Terms, 10 am to 12pm

Glenwood Community Hub, 72 Glenwood Park Drive, Glenwood 2768

Seven Hills MB Group Bert Oldfield ed1

Seven Hills Mums and Bubs Group

Wednesdays, 10.00am to 12.00pm

Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfields Road, Seven Hills

Young boy wf ed2

Mt Druitt Women’s Support Group

Mondays, 10am to 12pm

Level 1, 13 Cleeve Cl, Mt Druitt

BT MC womens group 23

Blacktown Multicultural Women’s Support Group

Thursdays, 10am to 12pm

SydWest Head Office, Ground Floor, 125 Main St Blacktown

Useful resources to download

SydWest Community Education Brochure comp

Community Engagement Services Brochure

SydWest DFV Officer 2023 flyer

Specialist Migrant Domestic Violence Project Flyer

Women Families Overview

Families Services
