Centre based respite program   

Day respite for seniors

Our centre based respite program provides day care for seniors. The program actively encourages positive ageing and wellbeing, through activities that stimulate participants physically, mentally, and emotionally.

day respite care activities 1

Activities include:

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Arts and crafts

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Group outings

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Digital technology familiarity and training

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Health information sessions

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Availability and support

Supported by experienced and qualified bilingual care staff

Available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, between 10am – 2pm

Special offer

Two free sessions when you refer a friend to our Day Respite Centres

Excluding transport


Per person per day

Morning tea, hot lunches and afternoon tea will be provided.

Including transport


Per person per day

Morning tea, hot lunches and afternoon tea will be provided.

Includes transport to and from centres, if you live within the Blacktown LGA



Glenwood Community Hub
72 Glenwood Park Dr, Glenwood NSW 2768

Registration and eligibility

Eligibility: 65 years and over living in Western Sydney, and has a carer.

To register: quote your My Aged Care Referral Code*. *If you do not have one, we can help you.

Find out how you can stay happy and healthy with SydWest’s Aged Care services

Day respite care expression of interest

If you would like to know more, kindly fill this form and we will get in touch with you. Thank you for your time!

Centre Based Respite Program

Day Respite Care Expression of Interest

Family Name
First Name
What would be the best time to call?
Are you 65+ years?
Are you getting support from a carer or family member?
Are you registered with My Aged Care?
Do you have a Referral Code from My Aged Care for centre-based respite?
Are you an existing client of SydWest Multicultural Services?
Would you like to know more about our day respite program?