NURSE CARING for aged care bedbound client

Nurse Facilitates Essential Palliative Care

A moving story of the importance of trust and relationships

Inka Patel, a dedicated registered nurse with SydWest’s Aged Care services, ensures the safety and well-being of our aged care clients at home. She provides a range of services and crucial support to families. 

Recently, Inka helped a family access palliative care for their relative, Nan, who is bed-bound with life-limiting illnesses. Initially reluctant about palliative care, the family contacted Inka after a hospital visit. Thanks to the trust she had built, Inka was able to explain the benefits of in-home palliative care. The family agreed, and a community palliative care team quickly provided the necessary support. 

SydWest’s role was vital, as the family’s trust in Inka and SydWest facilitated timely palliative care. Throughout, SydWest continued to offer essential services like personal care and respite. Inka and our clinical team are indispensable in supporting our aged care clients, especially during end-of-life care. 

Visit for more information on our Aged Care services. 

[first published in Community Connections No 4, 2024]