Our Community Connection Coordinator (CCC) met John (not his real name) and his brother after receiving a referral from Fairfield Hospital.
Upon visiting the brothers at their home in South West Sydney, our staff discovered that the brothers were not receiving any supports and were not managing at all to live on their own. Their only sister lives far away and did not understand how NDIS could help her brothers.
SydWest immediately began providing information about NDIS to John’s social worker and sister and explaining how NDIS could assist John to live independently and with ongoing supports from allied health professions in the home. Our CCC worked to build capacity in the social worker and sister to understand the documents required to access NDIS, as well as information regarding the Companion Card and the Taxi Voucher scheme.
John was success with accessing NDIS and our CCC continued to support John and hi sister with planning meeting preparation and the planning meeting process. Following John’s implementation meeting with the LAC, they sought SydWest assistance again as they did not understand the plan and how NDIS and choice and control works and how John can always choose what and how he wants to achieve his goals through the various funding options.
The sister now understands the whole plan very well and ISs comfortable in advocating for her brother. She was happy and relieved that her brother will be looked after by NDIS supports now. Due to CCC’s rapport with the family and the trust built up, the sister requested to stay with SydWest and receive further supports through SydWest’s NDIS Care Worker team.
Today, John receives Core Supports and Support Coordination services from SydWest and will be supported with his ongoing plan management processes into the future.