Participate Australia 4

The Voice Referendum: Resources for people with disability

Participate Australia has developed a suite of video resources to help disseminate information about The Voice referendum to people with disability. 

PA and SydWest support people with disability to live full lives as members of the community, which includes exercising their right to vote at elections. 

The three videos provide easy English explanations about the upcoming referendum and are intended to be conversation starters between people with disability and trusted family or friends.   

They explain concepts including the Constitution and referendums, outline what the October 14 referendum is about, detail why Australians are being asked to make a change, and explain that people can vote either yes or no. 

Participate Australia spokesman Thom Calma said it was important that all members of the community could take part in discussions about the Voice. 

“There are around 4 million people in Australia who have a disability, many of whom vote, but there is a gap when it comes to accessible information,” said Mr. Calma.

“These videos provide easy to understand information about the referendum and we hope they are used to generate important conversations in households, workplaces and support organisations across the country.

“We are proud to co-create these videos with our community.

“People with disability have a powerful voice in the upcoming referendum.”

Participate Australia is a subsidiary of SydWest Multicultural Services.  SydWest will help disseminate translated information about the referendum to culturally and linguistically diverse communities. 

To access more resources, visit

For media enquiries, please contact

22 September 2023