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Budget measures welcome but more can be done


15 May 2024

SydWest welcomes several measures announced in last night’s Federal Budget that provide assistance across settlement, aged care, the NDIS and cost of living.

Acting CEO Clement Meru said SydWest supports the extension of the Youth Transition Support Scheme which helps young refugees and migrants transition smoothly from education to work.

‘We are also pleased with the extension, through the Settlement and Transition Support (SETS) Program, of support for refugee and migrant women experiencing violence in the home, particularly considering Blacktown’s high rates of domestic violence,’ said Mr Meru.

‘It is critical that women and children from new and emerging communities who flee violent relationships can continue accessing culturally responsive support.

‘In relation to aged care, we welcome the Federal Government’s $531.4 million investment in 24,100 additional home care packages, however we agree with calls from the Aged and Community Care Providers Association that more funds are needed to support our ageing population.

‘We mustn’t forget that seniors from culturally diverse backgrounds may have more complex needs as cultural and language factors come into play.’

SydWest said the announcement of $468.7 over five years to support people with disability and to get the NDIS back on track was also good news.

‘Much has been said about more needing to be done for cost-of-living relief, and that is true – our community is really doing it tough,’ Mr Meru said.

‘However, the $300 rebate on electricity bills and additional rent assistance will provide some relief for the families and individuals we support.’

SydWest is a leading organisation for cultural diversity issues responding to community needs and opportunities throughout Greater Western Sydney and more recently parts of the Inner West and City of Sydney.  Participate Australia runs SydWest’s disability services.


Media enquiries: Vikki Hine, Media and Events. E: or T: 0428 109 215 or Cindy Sciberras on 0412 897 286.