Volunteer application form Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us. Please fill in the form below Volunteer Application Personal Information Name * Name Family Name Family Name First Name First Name Address * Postcode * Phone Mobile * Email * Emergency Contact Details * Please enter Name and Contact number Have you had any previous experience as a volunteer? * YES NO If yes, please list organisations (previously/currently worked for) and type of work: Organisation Type of work When you worked at this organisation and for how long: Organisation Type of work When you worked at this organisation and for how long: Organisation Type of work When you worked at this organisation and for how long: Tell us in which areas you are interested in volunteering (you may tick more than one box) * Be a part of excursions and social activities designed to help individual, youth groups and families Volunteer to be a part of the SydWest team at the office supporting our work from behind the scenes and gain skills to work in the sector Engaging with mothers and children in a playgroup setting and helping to coordinate children’s activities Host workshops/classes in the area of art therapy, yoga, sports activities or at one of our events Assist with our Driver mentoring program Participate in home visiting as part of our social support program Other If other, please specify Other Information Do you speak languages other than English? * YES NO If yes, please specify Do you hold a valid driver’s license? * YES NO Do you have access to a registered and insured car? * YES NO According to SydWest MS Policies and Procedures it is a requirement for all volunteers to hold a current Police Check and/or a cleared and verified Working with Children Check depending on the volunteering position. Summarise special skills and qualifications you have acquired from employment, previous volunteer work, or through other activities, including hobbies or sports What new skills/knowledge are you expecting to develop? Availability Please indicate which times you are available (leave blank where it is not applicable; you can also make multiple selections) Monday AM PM Both Tuesday AM PM Both Wednesday AM PM Both Thursday AM PM Both Friday AM PM Both Saturday AM PM Both Sunday AM PM Both Referees Please give at least two Referees Referee #1 Name * Organisation Position Address Postcode Phone * Email * Relationship to you Referee #2 Name * Organisation Position Address Postcode Phone * Email * Relationship to you Agreement Agreement By ticking this box and submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete. I understand that if I am accepted as a volunteer, any false statements, omissions, or other misrepresentations made by me on this application may result in my immediate dismissal. reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.